Jackpot Winner Dies

A man from New York has sadly died shortly after winning over $1.2 million on the Merry Millionaire Scratch Lottery on January 4th.
Donald Louis Savastano tragically fell to Stage-4 Cancer just three weeks after his big win. Savastano was a carpenter, who has been described in his obituary as being “known for his high-quality work and perfectionism.”
Shortly after his win, Savastano said he was going to use his winnings to pay off his debt and fund his retirement. Mr Savastano was 51.
Historic Australian Jackpot Remains Unclaimed
An unknown person from Melbourne has won an amazing $55 million in Australia’s own Powerball Lotto, but they still have not come forward to claim their win! This makes it the biggest unclaimed jackpot win in Australian lottery history.
The win came from a Thursday draw on January 11th and was the sole winner from the Powerball draw 1130. This was also Australia’s highest lottery jackpot for over a year.
“The possibilities ahead for the mystery winner are endless and we have been anxiously waiting for the holder of the ticket to check their ticket, realise it’s won them $55 million and come forward to claim their prize,” said Tatts spokeswoman Elissa Lewis.
5, 7, 11, 32, 34 and 38 were the winning numbers, while number 12 was the magic Powerball.
Thunderball Tuesday
The UK Thunderball will now be drawn four times a week, with its first Tuesday draw starting next week on the 6th February. The Thunderball has always been attractive with its smaller, but more frequently won prizes. The odds of winning the full half a million pound jackpot are also far better than in the Lotto, so, who knows, it could be you next...
Written by Chris Brown