Mizoram Backtracks on Lottery Contracts

In the wake of the recent scandal surrounding Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla and the issuing of four new lottery contracts to certain distributors, the contracts will now not be renewed. The distributors who handled the state lotteries are Teesta Distributors (paper lottery), Ecool Gaming Solution, N.V. International and Summit Online Trade Solution (online lotteries). The minister was recently accused by members of the opposition party, the Mizo National Front (MNF) of issuing contracts to these distributors despite the fact that they did not generate enough returns for the government, as is required by law.
Minister Thanhawla has also been accused of ignoring calls to investigate the fact that the distributors in question have caused the government to lose around Rs 11,808.77 crore due to malpractice by the four companies. This has now resulted in the State Finance Department issuing the notification that suspends all state lottery contracts drawn by the four distributors and their selling agents.
Minutes Away From Losing £1 Million
A couple from West Yorkshire in the UK were minutes away from missing the deadline for buying lottery tickets in the Wednesday lottery draw when fortune struck. Arron Walshaw, a plasterer from Ossett, was stood in a queue in a local shop to claim his free lucky dip ticket for the Wednesday Lotto but thought he was too late to beat the cut-off time limit for buying new tickets. Fortunately for Arron, the woman in front of him in the queue realised that he was in a rush and kindly offered to let him go in front of her in the queue. "I don't think I would have been in time to buy my ticket if she hadn't let me go first," Arron said. "We would love to meet her again and say thank you for changing our lives!"
Arron managed to claim his free lucky dip ticket in time for the draw and amazingly won the £1 million raffle prize that evening. Now Arron and his fiance Ceri Hall would like to plan a dream wedding together as well as buying a home and a new car in the near future.
Written by Chris Brown