Generous Lottery Winner Dies

A woman who gave away most of her Lotto winnings to charities has died at the age of 77. Barbara and Ray Wragg, who won £7.6 million in 2000 on the UK National Lottery had given away around £6 million of their prize money before Barbara’s death. Barbara and her husband lived in Sheffield, UK and gave away much of their fortune to local hospitals. Aside from the hospitals that benefited from the couples generosity were family and friends, a group of war veterans who were gifted the funding needed to make a memorial trip to Monte Cassino, and a children’s cancer unit in Weston Park Hospital.
Mrs Wragg said "You get a buzz. It's probably a bit selfish giving money away sometimes because we did get pleasure from it. "It's like when you give somebody a Christmas present and you watch them open it and they think it's absolutely wonderful. Well, when we've given people money we get that all the time." Barbara sadly died from sepsis following a surgical procedure.
Massive Powerball Win in New Jersey
For the fourth time this year, the Powerball jackpot has been won in the USA. A life-changing $315 million before taxes was won on a ticket bought from a grocery store in Bergen County, New Jersey on the 19th May draw. This means that the ticket holder will be able to claim around $183 million after taxes. The winning ticket matched all five white balls as well as the Powerball. Five other players had great wins as well after matching five white balls to win a very generous one million dollars each. So far nobody has come forward to claim the prize, although there is a good chance that the winner may choose to remain anonymous by protecting their identity by using a trust to claim the prize money.
Lotteries Round the World
After one player's amazing win last week on the US Powerball this weeks jackpot is now $50 million. In the UK the Lotto for this week is now £9.2 million while if you played the Irish Lottery you stand to win a cool €3.5 million. The EuroMillions has rolled over again and is now at €60 million, which is a great chance for overseas players to participate in big prize lotteries.
Written by Chris Brown